The American Legion has established certain qualifications for prospective Boys State citizens, and Massachusetts Boys State applies the following guidelines for student selection.
Only males who have successfully completed their junior year of high school and have at least one more semester of high school remaining are to be considered as citizens of Boys State.
Any boy who has previously attended a Boys State is not eligible to attend a second session.
Only boys with outstanding qualities of leadership, character, scholarship, loyalty and service to their schools should be considered for Boys State.
American Legion Boys States are in compliance with federal handicap laws. Massachusetts Boys States does require a medical/parental consent certificate signed by both a parent and a family physician.
In the selection of boys as citizens of Boys State, merit and ability alone are the basis for selection. Selection is not based on poverty or wealth and, in most cases, tuition to the program is paid by your local American Legion post or some other community-minded organization such as the Massachusetts Boys State Foundation Inc., with little or no expense to a young man and his family.
Students are expected to participate for the entire week. Late arrivals on Saturday due to the ACT exam are generally allowed. We request that you alert us in advance. Other exceptions are discouraged, but considered on a case-by-case basis.
If you are interested, you should contact your local American Legion post or high school guidance counselor. You may also contact Mark Avis at avis14 (at)