At Massachusetts Boys State students will have the opportunities to run for elected positions at the state and local level.
U.S Senator – Boys Nation
Two citizens of Boys State will be elected as the United State Senators and will be sent to Washington D.C in July, to represent Massachusetts at the American Legion Boys Nation. Boys Nation is similar to Boys’ State, all expenses including round-trip airfare to Washington, D.C. are paid for by the American Legion Department of Massachusetts. Boys Nation delegates are lodged in a college residence hall either in Washington, or nearby.
State Executive Branch
At the party conventions, candidates for the various state offices will speak and campaign for the party nominations. From this primary campaign, there will emerge two slates of candidates for the subsequent election. At the time of the general election of state officials, the citizens will elect those who will serve in these positions for the coming year. The constitutional officers will be asked to address the legislature on Wednesday afternoon to discuss issues relevant to their offices.
- Governor
- Lieutenant Governor
- Secretary of State
- Attorney General
- Treasurer
- Auditor
State Legislative Branch
The Boys’ State legislative process is a simplification of the actual Massachusetts legislative process which occurs at our State Legislature, each house will act on sample legislation provided. In addition to this sample legislation, any Legislator, as well as the Governor, may file a bill or any other matter for consideration with the clerk of the proper branch. The clerk will then place each of these items on the calendar, which is officially known as the Orders of the Day. Thus, there will be two Orders of the Day, one for the Senate, and one for the House. During the Legislative sessions of each branch, these items will be open for debate by all members of the respective chamber.
- State Senator
- State Representative
Municipal Government
Cities in Boys’ State will have a weak mayor/strong council form of government. Cities will be organized on Saturday and Sunday.
- Mayor – serve as the chief executive officer of the municipality. He shall appoint all minor officials with the approval of the City Council. He shall approve or disapprove all actions of the City Council, the mayor also must supervise the work of all appointed officers.
- City Councilors – councils can formulate city ordinances, approve or reject the Mayor’s budget, act upon appointments of the Mayor, hear reports of all committees and appointed officials, make resolutions and pledge the credit of the city.
- School Committee – shall appoint a Superintendent of Schools. The committee shall discuss and propose solutions to all school issues and those issues which may concern the city’s school system.
Town Government
Town meeting is the legislative branch of Massachusetts town government. All business to be conducted at town meeting will be listed on the Town Warrant. No business may be carried on by Town Meeting unless it is called for by an Article in the Warrant. Among those matters that are considered articles are the election of officers, the enactment of by-laws and resolutions, and the appropriation of money needed for the town’s government. Articles must be submitted by either a Selectmen or by petition of at least five voters in the town.
- Moderator – serve as the town meeting’s presiding officer
- Selectmen – appoint minor officers, supervise their work, provide for the enforcement of all local bylaws and regulations and report on all town business.
- School Committee – propose legislation regarding school policy, prepare a school budget, and appoint a Superintendent to manage the school system.
- Planning Board – make proposals to promote town growth, authorize building construction, and attend to all environmental concerns.
- Town Treasurer – serve as the custodian of all town property and work closely with the town’s finance.